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I love cats, have 3 at home: Glum (black kitten with hyposomatotropism), Atrei (ragdol), Alfred Hitchcock (bengal, real challenge for me). I joined the ISFM in 2009 or so, I am not sure now. Since than I visited every possible cat seminar in my country and studied hard. I set up first cat friendly clinic in Czechia ever in 2013. I am founder and owner of first cat friendly clinic in Czech Republic.

I am teaching cat owners and even colleagues how to behave with cats, how to understand them better. I am frequent speaker on cat exhibitions and set up Feline vet association in my country with my friend vet Katka Navojova-Horackova, our aim is to educate further other vets in feline medicine.

I finished my PhD education at VFU Brno in 2017, I did the research based on the use of mycoparasitism in treatment of dermatophytosis. I use the product of one Czech company, containing Pythium oligandrum which is powerful mycoparasite – loves to eat fungusses like dermatophytes. I am currently teaching and doing research at the Czech University of Life Sciences.


Uvalska 32/1222
Praha 10
Czech Republic

[email protected]

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