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Sam graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2002 and went on to complete internships and then a Feline Advisory Bureau Residency at Bristol Vet School. Since then she has worked for iCatCare and ISFM for a total of 14 years! She also works in referral practice in Hampshire seeing both dogs and cats, is the editor of BSAVA Companion journal, and has published many articles on internal medicine topics. Sam is the ISFM Academy Lead and Specialist Veterinary Advisor to ISFM, and is a European Veterinary Specialist in Internal Medicine and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine. She is also a member of the Feline Wellbeing Panel and is on the editorial board of JFMS. At home, Sam has a menagerie of dogs, cats, hamsters and children.


Place Farm
United Kingdom

[email protected]

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