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• Dr. Litster graduated as a veterinarian in 1982 and was awarded a PhD for her research on Feline Heartworm Disease and a Master’s degree in Clinical Epidemiology.
• She is a boarded specialist in Feline Medicine and worked in small animal general practice and specialist feline practice for 17 years.
• In 2007, Dr. Litster came to the USA to take up a faculty position at Purdue University where she was a tenured Associate Professor of Small Animal Internal Medicine.
• She is the Editor in Chief of The Veterinary Journal, a member of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Editorial Board and is a member of the AAFP Cat Friendly Practice Council and the Morris Animal Foundation Scientific Board.
• Dr Litster joined Zoetis in January 2014 as a Senior Veterinary Specialist with focus areas in infectious diseases, feline medicine and shelter medicine.

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