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Lurdes graduated in 2004 from Cardenal Herrera CEU Veterinary University in Valencia, Spain. She started her career working in the UK in several practices. She attended the Feline Module of the British Veterinary Association to learn more about cats. The module made her very enthusiastic about cats and want to learn more about such fascinating animals. Back in Valencia in 2007, she continued working in small animal practice with a particular interest in feline medicine and soft tissue surgery.

She completed the GP Certificate in Feline Medicine by ESVPS in 2010. It was in 2012 when she started as a partner at the Feline Unit of Vetnatura Veterinary Centre, which became the second gold Cat Friendly Clinic in Spain. In the following years, she enjoyed completing the CVE Feline Medicine Distance Education course in 2015 as advanced feline medicine training. Finally, in 2022 she became an Acreditada en Medicina Felina by AVEPA. She tries to follow all the latest news in feline medicine, and her latest course, the ISFM Advanced Feline Behaviour for Veterinary Professionals, has given a completely different perspective on how to interact with our beloved cats and how to help and teach people to live and interact with them properly.


Vetnatura Centro Veterinario Calle Ciscar 53 bajo izq
Valencia, Valencia 46005

[email protected]

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