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Dr Lauren Finka works as a feline welfare and behaviour scientist for Cats Protection. Prior to taking up this charity role, Lauren worked as a research fellow at a number of different universities and also as a welfare and behaviour consultant for various animal welfare charities. Lauren has a PhD in cat behaviour and welfare, focused on the rehoming environment and she specialises in science communication and the translation of academic research into practical ways to help cats. Prior to her academic career, Lauren worked as a re-homer and care assistant for several different rehoming organisations.

Dr Finka has published a range of research papers and reviews covering topics such as critical evaluation of evidence on cat welfare in multi-cat environments, cat sociability and welfare implications, optimising human-cat interactions via human behaviour change and developing novel methods to measure cat facial expressions. Her current work at Cats Protection is focused on the development and validation of tools to assess the welfare of shelter cats.


Cats Protection
National Cat Centre
Chelwood Gate
Sussex, RH17 7TT (SatNav postcode RH17 7DE)

[email protected]

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