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CPD allocation

This information is in relation to the CPD allocation for Veterinary Nurses for the International Society of Feline Medicine Distance Education Courses (UK only).

Your online education course with the International Society of Feline Medicine will provide you with many CPD hours. The RCVS does not accredit or endorse our CPD courses and leaves it up to the individual nurse to keep a record of the hours studied and subjects covered. There is no limit on hours spent on online courses.

Therefore, we advise you to log them as follows:

  • Keep a record of the hours of study per module, and the subjects covered in the module and document in your RCVS CPD diary.
  • In your CPD diary (paper or online) try to reflect on what you learn, including observations and information on what you are studying, you can also upload marks and feedback if recording online.
  • Set objectives for your CPD for the year and then you can document how you have achieved them.

To meet all your CPD requirements we also provide 12 hours a year (minimum) of webinars via our International Society of Feline Medicine nursing membership.